Monday, November 26, 2012

Three Planets above the Egyptian Pyramids

There's growing excitement on the internet that Mercury, Venus and Saturn will be in the predawn sky over the pyramids in Egypt on Monday, December 3rd . Some of the pictures show a planet over each pyramid, like something out of the movie Stargate. And internet reports say this happens only once every 2,737 years.

I'm here to burst the bubble. Actually these three planets will line up in a more vertical line rather than one over each pyramid. And it happens much more frequently than every couple millennium. These three planets lined up in Scorpio (as they are doing right now) back in 1954. They line up in other signs every seven years or so.

When planets align there's extra emphasis on the energy in that sign. Three planets in Scorpio brings us more Scorpio energy. Scorpio is about testing before trusting. It's about looking for the underlying reasons that people are doing what they are doing. And it's about keeping a mental tab on who owes you and who you owe. 

This line up happened before in 1954. In November 1954 the Dow rose 3.27 points to an all-time high of 382.74, the first Godzilla movie was released in Tokyo and in Alabama a meteorite crashed through the roof of a house and bruised the woman who lived there. This was the first documented instance of a person being hit by something from outer space. In December 1954 the first Hyatt Hotel opened in Los Angeles and the first Burger King opened in Miami. So three planets lining up over the pyramids is good news for investors and movie lovers and bad news for those avoiding fast food.

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